Forbrite AZ-731 2X



Forbrite AZ-731 2X is an ammonia free potassium zinc chloride process. It is suitable for barrel and rack operations.

This process produces ultra-bright, ductile and level zinc deposits.

        Ⅰ. Advantages:

                1. Contains no ammonia or cyanide.

                2. Baths are highly conductive and stable.

       Ⅱ. Bath compositions and operating conditions :

         Composition High Cyanide Medium Cyanide Low Cyanide
   Potassium chloride (g/l)        200g/l          200 g/l    180-220 g/l
           Zinc chloride (g/l)         53 g/l            75 g/l


Rack: 65-85g/l

               Boric Acid

30 cc/l

30 cc/l 25-35g/l
               AZ-720 2X        0.5 cc/l           0.5 cc/l  
               AZ-731 2X         13 cc/l            13 cc/l  
                    PH                                     4.6- 5.2
               Temperature                                     25-30
                 Voltage                  Barrel: 4- 10V             Rack: 2-5V
                Agitation Air agitation required in rack operation
            Current density                  Barrel: 0.1- 0.8A/dm2   Rack: 2-6A/dm2